Hillsboro Elementary Student Handbook
2019-20 School Year
Mrs. Angela Harris
Mrs. Linda Willis
Instructional Coordinator
Mission Statement
The Mission of Hillsboro Elementary is to help children grow in mind, body and character.
"Hillsboro Expects Success"
Aug. 1, 2019
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to a new school year! I would like to extend a special welcome to all students and families who are new to the Hillsboro School community. The beginning of school is the start of a new adventure. It is a time of excitement and nervous anticipation for adults and children. I am honored and feel privileged to have the opportunity to represent you as principal. I will work hard to ensure that our school provides a warm, caring and safe learning environment for all our children. I am very excited to begin this school year, and I anticipate that we will have a great year.
The staff and I share the belief that all children can and want to learn, all children can attain success, and that by working together the community and the school can control the conditions that lead to successful learning. Everyone at Hillsboro will work hard to attain our mission of helping each student grow in mind, body and character. To make this a reality, the faculty and staff have spent countless hours in planning, training and preparation. We want to work with each child's parents to provide the best education for our students. I encourage you as a parent to be active in the learning process by monitoring your child's progress, volunteering, and attending school functions.
Please read this handbook carefully. It contains many answers for questions you may have. Please keep the handbook on file for future reference. We encourage you to visit our website often for updates, current news and events. I look forward to working with you and your child this year.
Angela Harris
2019-20 Hillsboro Student Handbook
We work very hard to communicate with the families of our students. Teachers will use the Remind app to make classroom notifications. We also use notes home, the sign in the front of the building, calendars, newsletters, the school website, and folders to communicate with parents. If you feel that you are not getting the information you need please let us know.
Student Placement
Time is spent every year balancing classes in K-5 to accommodate student needs, gender and behaviors. Hillsboro Elementary has an excellent, highly qualified staff and your child will receive a quality education while attending this school. Please do not ask for student class assignments to be changed after school starts. At the end of the year parents may turn in suggestions for separating their child from another. Suggestions must contain valid reasons. Requests for specific teachers will not be taken.
School Security
School Security is a high priority for all personnel. To better assist you and for the security of our students, we ask that all parents and visitors to our school use the front entrance. To protect instructional time visitors must have a prior appointment before visiting classrooms during the school day. These appointments can be scheduled by calling the school at 931-596-2775, or sending a note to the teacher asking to schedule a meeting. If a phone call would be acceptable, the teacher will call as soon as she is able.
After registration day we would like for all parents to not go to the classroom to carry or pick-up your child. Having visitors disrupts the students and the planned routine for starting and ending the day. If you must pick up your child, please report to the main office and your child will be called for check-out. You will be asked to show identification and must be on the child's registration card. Anyone who has your permission to pick up your child must be listed on the registration card. We will not release a child to anyone other than those listed, and each person will be expected to show a picture ID before we release a student. Remember checking out early will count against your child's attendance and requires a doctor or parent note to be excused.
Students must have a note from the parent to go home in a way other than normal. All notes must be signed by the parent, the homeroom teacher, and the principal or Instructional Coordinator. Please include a current phone number as we frequently call to confirm permission.
Students will not be dismissed through the front office from 2:45-3:15. The office will be closed during this time so that we can focus on making sure all students get where they need to be safely.
School Safety
Hillsboro Elementary has a crisis plan to follow in case of an emergency situation or natural disaster. Throughout the year, drills will be conducted so that staff and students know what to do in case of an emergency or natural disaster.
Should we have to evacuate the building to another location, any adult picking up a child will be expected to show a picture ID before a child will be released. No student will be released until given the clearance to do so by administration. Please make sure all contact information is up to date at all times. If there is an actual emergency you will be directed by officials to a location to pick your child up.
Absent Students
Good attendance is very beneficial to your child's educational well being. Please remember being tardy to school and early check-outs count against your child's attendance. Our system is focusing on good attendance this year. We are asking all parents/guardians to strive to have your child/children at school each day and on time. It is very important that you read our system's policy and procedures on absences and tardies that will be sent home with your child. Only 5 parent notes are allowed per school year for absences.
Good attendance will be rewarded periodically throughout the year.
If your child must miss school, please call and let us know they are sick. If we do not hear from you expect a phone call from someone at the school. When they are ready to return to school, please send a doctor's excuse or a parent note to the teacher stating the reason for the absence. Students with excessive absences will be contacted in writing and may require a meeting with the truancy board. Hillsboro school will follow the state mandated attendance policy.
Classes begin at 7:50 a.m. and end at 2:50 p.m. Students arriving late or leaving early must be checked in/out by parent or guardian through the main office. Please come in with your child if you arrive late to school.
Student Drop-Off/Student Pick-Up
Teachers are at school each morning to monitor students beginning at 7:00. In the mornings students are to be dropped off at the awning by the car rider drop off door between 7:00 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. To drop off a child in front of the building in the morning please pull next to the sidewalk and make a single file line. No student should be dropped off and allowed to cross in front of cars. No students should be dropped off at school before 7:00 a.m. Car-riders must be picked up at the cafeteria awning between 2:50 and 3:15. The office will be closed from 2:45-3:15. If you need to pick up a student during this time please use the car rider line. Students picked up before 2:45 will be checked out and this will count against their attendance. Walkers will be brought to the front doors at 3:15. They will be released to an authorized person to walk with. Drivers picking up students must stay in their cars. No one except school staff and students will be allowed on the playground during the school day. Please do not call to children from cars or ask children to come to your car while waiting. Our goal is to keep all our children safe. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Medication Policy
All medication is to be held and administered by the school nurse. Please read the information sent home in the Medication Policy or call the school. It is important to keep the nurse updated on medical information
Telephone Usage
Please make sure your child has everything needed for the day. Make sure your child knows all special instructions for going home before they come to school. Help your child learn to be responsible by taking five or ten minutes before bedtime to get ready for school the next day. Please help them check to make sure homework assignments are complete, papers are signed and backpacks are packed. Sending a note with any special instructions for pick up helps ensure that your child gets to the right place at the end of the day.
Student breakfast/Lunch Prices
Student lunch.................................................$2.25
Student Reduced Lunch.....................................$0.40
Visitor's Lunch........................................... .....$3.75
Student Breakfast.............................................$1.25
Student Reduced Breakfast..................................$0.30
Visitor's Breakfast................................. ..........$2.00
Extra Milk.......................................... ... ......$0.45
Ice Cream......................................................$0.65
Free and Reduced Price Lunch registration materials are to be returned on your child's first day of school. All kindergarten students must have a form on file. Students may prepay on Monday of each week or may pay daily. Student lunch charges cannot exceed two weeks. Charging breakfast is not allowed. Anytime money is sent to school please send it in a sealed envelope with the child's name, amount and purpose.
Counseling Program
Mrs. Connie Heatherly is the counselor at Hillsboro Elem. The school counselor is an advocate for all Hillsboro students. The counselor's role is to be a mentor, interventionist, and objective listener. The counselor services include group guidance classes, small group, and individual counseling. The counselor also offers support to parents who may need some additional resources concerning their child. The counselor also works closely with all teachers and administrators in order to make sure all children succeed in school. If there is some way the school counselor can help you or your child, please contact the school and we will get that started.
Academic Interventions
It is our goal to help every student succeed. This year we will be using additional resources and interventions to help us achieve this goal. Intervention is a school-wide, general education process by which teachers gather objective data from a district wide assessment three times a year to document students' academic progress and provide additional high-quality, research-based instruction in reading and math for all students. All teachers, (general education, special education, related arts, and paraprofessionals) may be used to provide intervention at any point during the school year. Interventions are provided in small groups to all students and are in addition to the regular reading and math classes. Intervention is a three tier process with Tier one being on grade level or advanced. Tier two is a small deficit in skills and Tier three a larger skill deficit. Student progress is monitored biweekly in Tier two and three. Intervention progress will be reported approximately every 4 to 5 weeks for Tier two and three.
We will have the Accelerated Reading Program (AR) again this year as an incentive program to foster the love of reading. Students will earn points as they read and take A.R. tests. We will have an AR store for students to spend their earned points.
- All books are due weekly during Library class. Books should be returned or renewed at that time.
Writing Lab
During writing lab classes, students will be developing presentations, practicing writing skills, working on enrichment, and internet safety. All internet use will be closely monitored. The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) form must be signed and returned before students can use the internet at school.
Physical Education
All students will attend P.E. classes weekly and will be expected to participate in all activities. The classes will consist of health and wellness lessons, exercise, and learning how to play different sports.
P.E. Rules
- All students are to wear gym shoes when they have gym class.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the gym.
- All students are to participate unless they have a doctor's excuse.
Music Program
All children will participate in singing, writing songs, playing instruments, and learning to appreciate different musical genres.
Music Rules
- 4th and 5th graders bring recorders and music folders to class.
- Respect the equipment in the classroom and follow the rules in proper usage.
- Always try your best.
- Use voices appropriately and listen when others are speaking, singing, or playing.
School Rules
We expect each student to follow the Coffee County Code of Conduct, The Hillsboro Elementary School Handbook/Citizenship Policy and the Coffee County School Bus Policy that have been developed for the safety and well being of all. Each student will bring a copy of the policies/rules home on the first day of school that is to be signed and returned. Please go over these with your child and emphasize the importance of following the rules and treating others with courtesy and respect.
Items that are NOT permitted at Hillsboro Elementary School
- Weapons such as guns, knives, etc, are not permitted at school or on the school bus.
- Bartering or selling anything for profit by students for their own benefit is not permitted.
- Gum and soft drinks (in cans, bottles, or any container) are not permitted at school, except on special occasions as designated by the teacher or principal.
- Toys, radios, CD players, trading cards, electronic devices, etc... are not permitted at school. If any of these items are brought to school, they will be taken up by the teacher/principal. Parents will be notified and asked to come and pick up the items after school.
- Cell phones are to remain in backpacks during school and turned off. If a cell phone is taken out of the backpack or rings during school hours, the phone will be taken up by the teacher. The parent will have to come to school and pick up the phone at the principal's office.
School Dress Code
Dress and grooming shall be appropriate, clean, and neat. Dress that is disturbing or distracting in school is inappropriate.
The following should NOT be worn:
- Shorts, skirts and/or skorts that come above 4 inches from the middle of the knee.
- Head coverings such as caps, bandanas, scarves, sweatbands, toboggans, or "dew-rags", except during special events.
- Items of clothing, apparel, or jewelry that display any logos or print that: discriminate against any groups, promote violation of school rules, depicts the use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol, encourages violence, gang/cult affiliations, use of weapons or intimidation. No large chains will be allowed. No clothing with inappropriate language, graphics, or that is sexually suggestive.
- No clothing with torn, cut, see through, or revealing openings.
- No shirts, dresses, or blouses that excessively expose the shoulders, backs, chests,bottoms,and midriffs. No spaghetti straps shirts. No skin should be visible between shirts and pants/skirts while sitting or extending the arms overhead.
- No sagging or low-riding pants/shorts.
- No clothing made of open weave, mesh, or other see-through material.
- No pajamas except on special announced occasions.
- Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times as safety mandates. No house shoes or bare feet.
- No visible body piercing except earrings.
- Tattoos that display drugs, sex, alcohol, tobacco products or gang affiliation must not be visible at any time.
- No apparel or grooming will be permitted that is or may potentially be disruptive to the learning environment of the school. The Administration reserves the right to ban or not allow any attire or grooming that might be disruptive.
At Hillsboro we teach our students to have good manners. Speaking when spoken to, answering appropriately,and waiting to eat at lunch until everyone at your table is seated, are a few of the good manners we expect from our children. Please help us encourage our students!
Parent Volunteer Program and/or PTO Program
We encourage parents to become an active part of our Parent Volunteer Program and/or PTO Program. Various levels of involvement are offered in order for all parents to participate. Whether you are able to work daily, weekly, or monthly, we have a way for you to be involved in our school. Forms will be sent home with students for you to sign up to work within our school in various ways and projects.
Asbestos Notification
In accordance with Federal Regulation 40 CFR, the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, (AHERA), Coffee COunty Schools have undergone a thorough inspection of asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) within our schools. There results have been compiled in a series of documents referred to as our Management Plan. The results of the inspections and management plan have been submitted to the Governor's appointed representative as required by law and prior to the designated deadline. The Management Plan is available for your review, upon request, at each school and the Director of Schools Administrative Office during regular office hours. The management plan includes information about previous asbestos abatement projects, ACBM and the response action chosen for each.
Address any questions about asbestos to Mr. Kelvin Shores, Deputy Director at 931-723-5150.
Miscellaneous Information
We celebrate the accomplishments of our students and events at our school throughout the year. At times this information is released for publications such as the newspaper and on our school or district website. If you do not wish for your child's picture or name to appear, please notify your child's teacher in writing.
We are looking forward to a good school year. You are encouraged to talk with us when a problem arises. This, we believe, will help us solve most of our problems. If you feel that there are ways that we can improve, please make a suggestion. Hillsboro Elementary School is your school and we want you to be proud of it. We can assure you that we will work continuously to bring improvements to our school.
Hillsboro Elementary Citizenship and Discipline Policy 2019-20
Infractions are based on severity and are color coded accordingly. Citizenship grades are based on 100 point total. Students must maintain a minimum of 93 points each semester in order to participate in two celebrations offered by HES each year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Students who have good behavior will be rewarded periodically with an activity or item. Students must maintain a minimum of 97 points and have no unexcused absences for this period of time for these rewards. Students have a 3 day grace period to bring notes after an absence. Please know that we have your child's best interest in mind, and hope that by implementing this program, school will be a safe environment for all students.
Yellow infractions (1 point per offense)
- Running in the hall
- Not keeping hands, feet or objects to themselves
- Repeated talking in the hall
- Playground rough play
- Classroom disruptions
- 3 missed assignments (grades 3-5)
- Teacher discretion
Orange Infractions (3 points per offense)
- Disrespect
- Playing in the restroom
- Throwing Objects
- Teasing/Name calling
- Starting or spreading rumors
- Not obeying
- Teacher discretion
Red Infractions (5 points per offense)
- Defiance
- Fighting
- Theft
- Destruction of property (example: writing on walls, or messing up restroom)
- Cheating
- Inappropriate language
- Threats
- Any other severe behavior
- Teacher discretion
Possible Consequences
- Loss of monthly reward
- Loss of semester reward
- Teacher discretion
- Cleaning cafeteria
- Cleaning restroom
- Recess detention
- Recess detention
- Referral to Principal, Assistant Principal
- Parent notification and/or meeting
The following accommodations for Kindergarten and First Grade students will be made this year:
- School rules for immediate points will continue.
- If a student moves to Red and continues to disrupt class or break rules 1 point will be taken.
- Each month behavior will be checked. Points will be taken as follows
- 5 Yellow days=1 point
- 3 Orange days=1 point
- 2 Red days=1 point
- Monthly rewards-need 97 points to participate
- Semester rewards-need 93 points to participate
Thank you,
Faculty and Staff